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    Become a pro at writing romantic texts!

    What could be more beautiful than love? An all-encompassing feeling that gives us butterflies in the belly and gives you intense feelings of happiness. But how can you express these feelings? best put into words? How can this beautiful feeling be captured in words? As Valentine's Day 2025 approaches, we want to help you make a truly to become a romantic writer.

    Long-lived romance

    Take advantage of our guide to provide you with Valentine's Day ideas for creating romantic letters and poems. Express the deepest feelings of your heart. Apart from all the other Valentine's gifts you think of or purchase, the words that come straight from your heart will still most beautiful Valentine's Day gift. A romantic Valentine's Day gift is only a real hit when an unforgettable love message is sent is added. Here are our tips for a romantic letter or poem.

    The love letter

    A loving greeting

    “My dearest” or “To the love of my life” are examples of openings that will immediately grab attention. These first words alone will immediately feel like a gift. Not only for her, but also as Valentine's Day gift for him ! Men also get extra happiness hormones when they see written on paper how much they be appreciated.

    A memory

    Continue your romantic letter with one of your most cherished memories. Do you know when you first met? Share one of those moments that shaped your relationship have formed and which will always stay with you.

    A statement

    And then, the real deal, your declaration of love. Let your emotions flow freely and tell your partner why you love him or her. Even the biggest valentine's gift will not contain these words and emotions can match. Tell your loved one what you admire about him or her and why your beloved person is so special.


    Let your partner know in your letter that you will always be there, by giving good and bad times, on Valentine's Day 2024 , 2025, 2026, 2027 and so on. A love letter is also a promise from your commitment to the relationship.

    The Closing

    Where other letters end with a greeting, this one ends you the letter with a powerful loving statement. Just think of sentences such as "Eternally Yours" or "With Love, Forever" and the like.

    Video greeting card cupid in motion - Rosuz

    The romantic poem

    Do you want to venture into rhyming words and symbolic texts? A poem is a perfect valentines gift that adds an extra dimension to your declaration of love. Make your poem as symbolic as our longlife roses. An eternal love deserves a romantic valentine's gift in the form of a declaration of love. We give you some tips to make your pen dance on the paper.


    Nothing is as difficult as the beginning. Don't think too much and start like the letter with a loving and strong opening. "In your eyes, … “ . This is how the recipient immediately drawn in and enchanted.


    Poems often use metaphors and symbolism to amplify emotions and give color. Compare your love to timeless things, like "Our love, like a Longlife rose, will bloom forever".


    Poems, like songs, often use repetition. It provides for rhythm in a text. Words like "always," "forever," and "forever" emphasize the durability of your love.


    A love poem is not only full of symbolism and repetition, but it offers often also a picturesque description of the emotions experienced. Don't let your loved one leave love alone in the taste, feel and smell valentine chocolate , but also in your words.

    The castle

    End your poem appropriately with an emotional closing line that will still remind your loved one will stay with you for years to come. “My love will continue forever, like a unforgettable story”.

    Is your letter or poem ready? Then accompany your written masterpiece with a valentines gift that is just as timeless as your words. Add an extra dimension to your declaration of love with the symbol of eternal love, the Longlife roses. Just like the longlife rose, your love blooming incessantly. It is a good combination if valentines gift for him and valentines gift for her . So grab your pen, write and then place your order. We will send your words with the greatest attention and care together with your Valentine's Day gift wrapping and sending.

    Make Valentine's Day 2025 a unforgettable day!